Today I offer my review of an in-the-shell egg scrambler that has been requested numerous times over the years. There are several similar models on Amazon, mostly with lukewarm reviews.
Where to Purchase
There are multiple listings for this type of egg scrambler on Amazon, and they all share the same basic overall design. This model has the most Amazon reviews as of this writing, although its 2.9-star rating is not very promising.
Claims & Features
- Pull the rope to spin eggs
- Mixes yolk and white inside the shell
- No puncturing of the shell required
- Requires 20-40 pulls to achieve desired results
- Produces “golden” eggs
Egg Scrambler Review
My association with egg gadgets has been a running joke on YouTube over the years, due to the sheer number of them that I have reviewed since my channel appeared in 2016. My response to this association is that I simply review what is advertised and what is popular – and egg gadgets often dominate both of those categories.
This particular egg gadget is one I’ve had requests for over the years, but for whatever reason never got around to reviewing – until now. The principle behind it is that you can scramble an egg inside the shell by spinning it, which will lead to the yolk breaking and mixing with the egg whites. This is not exactly a new concept. The Ronco Egg Scrambler (which I reviewed here) from the 1970s was an early incarnation of this idea, although it used a pin that was inserted into the shell to directly mix the yolk and whites. Later inventions were less invasive and sought to rely on repeated spinning in order to achieve the same results. You may recall my review of the Golden Goose egg scrambler (video review here) from late 2021 which operates on the same basic principle as the egg gadget reviewed here.
The gadget I’m reviewing today works by placing an egg into the silicone-lined chamber, which is then inserted into the main housing. You then pull the string around 20-40 times to achieve desired results. Some listings (including the Golden Goose) indicate that you can check whether or not a spun egg will be golden by holding it up to a light. A regular egg will be translucent and yellow, while a properly spun egg will be less translucent and pink.

For my first test, I tried a room temperature egg from a fresh batch. I placed it in the unit and pulled the string 40 times. When I cracked it into a bowl, it was nicely scrambled, which seemed to be a good sign that this gadget might actually work.
After seeing that this gadget could in fact work, I decided to achieve golden hard-boiled eggs using four different types of eggs: new/room temperature, old/room temperature, new/cold, and old/cold. The new batch was purchased from the store the morning of my test, while the “old” batch had a “sell by” date of two weeks prior.

The first problem I had while using this device was simply placing the eggs in there and locking the chamber, because even small eggs seemed to be a very tight squeeze. Although I never broke any eggs by placing them in the chamber, I always had the feeling that they were on the verge of cracking.

Of the four eggs I tried, the two fresh eggs displayed a “pink” appearance when held up to light after 40 pulls, while the two older eggs still appeared yellow after 40 pulls. I put both of the old eggs back in the unit to re-spin them. One of those old eggs remained yellow even after re-spinning, while the other did appear slightly pink under the light after additional spins. While spinning the final egg of my test, I wanted to see what would happen if I pulled the string a little harder – and it broke. There is no obvious way to open the unit to fix it, so that may be the end of the line for this gadget. I’ll update this space if I manage to repair it!
Fortunately, I was able to spin the four eggs I wanted to test before breaking the unit, so I boiled them and peeled them to see how they turned out. Below are the results:
- Egg 1 (Fresh/Warm): This was difficult to peel but did turn out “golden.”
- Egg 2 (Old/Warm): It never showed “pink” in the flashlight test and was not golden. The yolk was off to one side.
- Egg 3 (Fresh/Cold): Difficult to peel, but golden.
- Egg 4 (Old/Cold): This egg had a greenish in color (apparently a little too old), and not golden, despite a pink color with the flashlight test.

In the end, I’m not sure I see much of a benefit for this type of gadget. If the goal is “golden” hard-boiled eggs, the end result seems hit or miss at best. If the idea is to pre-scramble an egg, this is far more work than whipping out a whisk and doing it the old-fashioned way. It’s a lot of work for inconsistent results. I suppose it could be a fun novelty item, but I don’t find this to be a useful kitchen gadget.
Have you used an egg scrambler like this? Tell me what you think in the comments below.
I have never heard of a golden egg as a way of preparing boiled eggs. I think i would just shake up the egg in my hand and hope not to lose grip before ever trying that hopeless “gadget” hahahah some people must really like eggs that way and this thing is probably useful for them.
It seems to be a gimmicky way to sell gadgets because I had never heard of it either!
I used the gadget , it didn’t scramble the eggs at all