hurricane spin duster review

Hurricane Spin Duster Review: Spinning Duster

Hurricane Spin Duster is a cordless spinning duster that uses static electricity to attract dust. Does it really work? Here is my Hurricane Spin Duster review.

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About Hurricane Spin Duster

Hurricane Spin Duster is a soft spinning duster that allows you to combine spinning power with static electricity to easily pick up dust in hard to reach places. The official product website is, which was registered in March 2017. The screenshot below shows how the product website looked in September 2017.

hurricane spin duster review

Claims & Features

  • Dusts and cleans
  • Battery operated (requires 4 AA batteries)
  • Thousands of charged fibers use static electricity to collect dust
  • Handle extends
  • Washes clean


Hurricane Spin Duster costs $19.99 + $7.99 shipping for a total of $27.98. There is an optional double deluxe offer which costs $29.98 + $7.99 shipping for a total of $37.97. Each unit comes with a large dust head and a mini dust head. I found the Hurricane Spin Duster at a local Fry’s for about $20.

Hurricane Spin Duster Review

It’s not surprising to see yet another “Hurricane” branded item, as BulbHead (aka Telebrands) has scored a huge hit with this line of cleaning products. In fact, three of my top four videos on YouTube at one point were Hurricane brand products (Spin Scrubber, Spin Broom, and Fur Wizard). So now we have Hurricane Spin Duster, and the makers have pulled out the big guns by hiring Anthony Sullivan as its pitchman.

The design doesn’t feel revolutionary, as it is essentially a standard duster attached to a spinner. In fact, there was a test marketed item earlier this year called Spin Duster 360, which I believe was an early incarnation of this product. That item disappeared and its website now forwards to BulbHead, which also makes the Hurricane Spin Duster. Thus, it appears that the 360 brand couldn’t pull in enough interest, but BulbHead is now banking on the Hurricane brand to garner even more interest.

The experience of using a spin duster isn’t significantly different than using a regular duster, however, the constant spinning will (in theory) help clean and remove dust more quickly. The advertising points out that instead of wiping or brushing the manual way, you simply need to move the spinning brush along the surface and dust will be picked up (or sometimes kicked up) with minimal effort on your part.

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While this all sounds good on paper, the reality of the Hurricane Spin Duster is not so impressive. I found that dust doesn’t stick to it at all. Instead, dust gets kicked up into the air or simply moved around, often resting in piles at the edge of the area you dusted.

I usually purchase cheap dusters at my local dollar store and use them a few times before tossing them. Thus, for someone in my situation, it could be hard to justify a $20 (in stores) to $28 price tag (with shipping), for some extra spinning action, especially when the brush doesn’t actually pick up dust.

Overall, Hurricane Spin Duster looks like it could be yet another popular item under the Hurricane umbrella, but I’m afraid this may be the black sheep in an otherwise competent family of cleaning products. So far consumers have been pretty happy with most of the Hurricane products out there, but I feel like this is where the streak ends.

Be sure to watch my full Hurricane Spin Duster review in the video below.

Your Hurricane Spin Duster Reviews

Have you used Hurricane Spin Duster or something like them? Leave a comment below and a star rating above to let us know your thoughts.

Updated March 2018.

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