owl alert review

Owl Alert Review: Does it Repel Animals and Birds?

Owl Alert is a device that repels animals and birds using motion, sound, and light. Does it work? Read our Owl Alert review.

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About Owl Alert

Owl Alert is a three-in-one device that repels unwanted animals and birds. The official website is buyowlalert.com, which was registered in October 2016. The screen shot below was taken of the product website in December 2016.

owl alert review

Claims & Features

  • Three-in-one animal and bird repeller
  • Expandable mounting pole
  • Uses sight, sound, and light to repel unwanted animals
  • Rotates 180 degrees
  • Uses ultra-sonic sound undetecable by humans
  • 40-foot range
  • Weather proof
  • No traps or chemicals


You can get Owl Alert for $19.99 + $7.99 shipping. There is an option to add a second unit for another $7.99 fee. This brings your total to $27.98 for one, or $35.97 for two. We haven’t seen this item in stores as of this writing.

Owl Alert Review

Owl Alert could best be described as a 21st century scarecrow for home use. It offers several different ways to fend off pests from your yard, including light, motion, and sound.

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This isn’t the first device that has been marketed as a way to repel pests, although it is certainly the first As Seen on TV product of its kind that we have seen. And, while the idea of an angry-looking gold owl perched in your yard may border on ridiculous, the fact that it offers three different ways to fend off unwanted animals cannot be overlooked.

Owl Alert is motion-activated, so whenever it is triggered – either by an unwanted animal, your pet, or yourself – it will begin rotating, shining laser beams, and emitting ultrasonic sounds.

This device is ideal for areas where you don’t want animals to freely roam, including your own pets. There will be some pets that get accustomed to the electronic owl and simply ignore it, but this will vary from pet to pet. For the occasional unwanted visitor, however, it should do the job quite well.

Based on its website registration date, it appears that Owl Alert is a new item. We’ve found that newer As Seen on TV items tend to ship more slowly than their more established counterparts. Although we can’t say for sure that will be the case with Owl Alert, it is something to keep in mind when ordering.

Overall, we think Owl Alert will work about as advertised. It may not be a 100% solution, but it should at least alleviate problems with unwanted pests. And a rotating, laser-firing gold owl is just pretty cool.


There are perhaps a surprising number of decoy owl scarecrows available for purchase. This two pack, for example, costs about $18 and sports a solid 4.5 star rating among over a hundred reviews. To its credit, however, Owl Alert does offer a rather unique moving design and robust set of features not found in less expensive competitors.

Your Owl Alert Reviews

If you’ve used Owl Alert, give us your thoughts by leaving a comment below and a star rating above.

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8 years ago

Has anyone tried one of these Owl Alerts. Trying to find out people that have used it thinks.

Jeannie Taylor
Jeannie Taylor
8 years ago
Reply to  Linda

I would like to know the same thing. Has anyone tried this yet and if so, what do they think.

Doris Edwards
Doris Edwards
7 years ago

I ordered this on December 25, 2016 and haven’t heard one thing from them, I want to know how to contact them on here to VOID OUT my order, anyone know? PLEASE !

7 years ago

I ordered about 2 months ago. About 1 month ago I received a postcard saying it was on back order. Today I received another postcard that just stated my order was cancelled.
We really wanted to try this in our garden this summer.

Carla Brewer
Carla Brewer
7 years ago

The picture shown on this article is NOT the picture of the Owl Alert being adavertised on TV