full crystal review

Full Crystal Review: Cleans Windows and Screens Simultaneously

Full Crystal by Fuller Brush Co. is a hose attachment that allows you to clean windows and screens at the same time. Does it really work? Here is my Full Crystal review.

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Where to Purchase

You can get Full Crystal on Amazon for about $20. As of 2020 it is still sold on the official website, discussed below. I’ve seen two-packs of refills in stores for about $10, but they don’t seem to be available from the official website. There is currently a 4-pack of refills on Amazon, found here.

About Full Crystal

Full Crystal is a device you attach to an ordinary garden hose which sprays a special solution that cleans windows, screens, and outdoor surfaces. The official product website is buyfullcrystal.com, which was registered in October 2017. The screenshot below shows how the product website looked in July 2018. As of this June 2020 update, the official website is still active and the prices remain unchanged.

full crystal review

Claims & Features

  • Clean without removing screens
  • Reaches up to 27 feet, so no ladder necessary
  • Harmless to plants
  • Cleans and rinses in one step

Full Crystal Review

Note: There is also a “Full Crystal Full Exterior” which is sometimes advertised, and I have not tried that, but it appears to be the same or similar to this product.

Full Crystal is a hose attachment which allows you to spray a cleaning solution onto your windows up to 27 feet away, without the need for ladders and without having to remove screens first.

To use Full Crystal, you fill the container with warm water, add the included packet, and stir. Next, the canister is attached to an ordinary garden hose. There is a black lever on top of the device which allows you to turn the flow of water on or off, which I found to work quite well. A small nozzle is also included which is to be removed when spraying high windows. You can quickly move back and forth between clean water and the solution by simply placing your finger on or removing your finger from an air vent on top of the canister.

The instructions state to first rinse a window by spraying it with plain water from bottom to top, then applying the Full Crystal solution also from bottom to top. Finally, you simply rinse off the window from top to bottom.

It is stated that the best way to use Full Crystal is in the morning when the windows are in the shade and the temperature is between 50-85F. In the Las Vegas heat, I was a few degrees over 85, but did test it in the shade as instructed.

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As you can see in the video below, I found that most of my windows turned out pretty well. One of them still had streaks, presumably because I didn’t thoroughly rinse the window during the cleaning process. I should point out that the instructions note to avoid over-rinsing or under-rinsing, but this is obviously going to be something that takes practice, as is getting your solution to last long enough to treat 20 windows (as advertised). Of course with only one packet in the box, you may not get much practice unless you buy additional packets.

The instructions state to keep out of reach of children and pets, but it wasn’t clear if that includes residue after use, so I took no chances and rinsed off my patio after using Full Crystal. Additionally, a warning states that this can be an eye or skin irritant, and I found my arm quite wet after using Full Crystal. I wasn’t sure if that was just water or if it included the solution, so I made sure to take a shower after using it. I did not experience any irritation.

All of my windows did turn out better and only one had significant streaking. I also like how easy it is to switch back and forth between regular water and the solution. If you have second-floor windows that are difficult to clean, this could be an option to investigate.


You can find Full Crystal on Amazon, and the comments there may be worth perusing. There are other window cleaners that attach to a regular hose, such as this offering by Windex which holds generally positive reviews and costs roughly the same as Full Crystal.

Your Full Crystal Reviews

Have you used Full Crystal or something like it? Leave a comment below and let me know your thoughts.

Updated June 2020.

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Joe Zahra
Joe Zahra
5 years ago

How does this product affect pvc cafe blinds pls
Thank s

5 years ago

Full crystal cleaned my windows beautifully however, I have security screens and the mess was too much. The water was trapped between the security and the windows. I had water running down the walls and onto the floors. It’s back to using my old method. Works for some but not for everyone.

victor e Ferrell
victor e Ferrell
4 years ago

I have used both the Fuller and index products. The index product worked quite well, but the next time I needed to clean my windows the local hardware store that carried it had gone out of business. I saw the Fuller add on TV and decided to try it. I bought extra crystals. the product was well packaged and arrived promptly and was not damaged. The rest of my experience with Fuller was horrible. when I tried to use the sprayer it turned out to be defective. I thought no problem. I will contact the company and get another sprayer,… Read more »

Freakin' Reviews
4 years ago

What is perhaps icing on the cake is that this product isn’t really a Fuller product. The name appears to be merely licensed by an As Seen on TV company, much like you see with Bell+Howell lately. According to the official Fuller website, “Fuller Brush licensed the name to the SAS Group for Full Crystal”

1 year ago

Can this be used on Eze-breeze windows