NutriChopper is an As Seen on TV manual food chopper that allows you to cut fruits and vegetables in a single snap. I’ve used it and here is my NutriChopper review.
Where to Purchase
You can find NutriChopper on Amazon, although availability appears to be limited. I found it at Walmart for about $20 in 2019. It is also still being sold via the official website, discussed below.
About NutriChopper
NutriChopper is a 5-in-1 handheld food chopper, with four blades than can be used in various configurations. The official product website is, which was registered in February 2019. The screenshot below shows how the product website looked in September 2019.
Claims & Features
- Handheld design
- 10x faster than using a knife
- Fresh storage container and lid
- Dishwasher safe
NutriChopper Review
When I first saw ads for NutriChopper, I was immediately reminded of the Vidalia Chop Wizard, which first advertised heavily back in 2006. I decided I would pick up the NutriChopper and the original Vidalia Chop Wizard (not one of the later versions that is also available) in order to compare the two. Both choppers work by pressing the lid onto food, which is then pressed through blades. Both include a storage container and blades that can be easily swapped out. There are also differences between the two, however. NutriChopper’s blade area is about 2.5 inches square, while the Vidalia is about 3.25 inches square. This doesn’t seem like a significant difference, but in my tests, I found that the NutriChopper required more food to be cut down to size than the Vidalia. Both choppers suggest cutting off the ends of fruit and veggies in order to create a flat surface that will be more easily pressed through the blades. NutriChopper includes a lock to keep the handle closed while not in use. Instructions also state to use two hands rather than just one when pressing food through the blades.
While the Vidalia may have a slightly larger surface area, the NutriChopper offers more versatility via multiple blade configurations. You can create wedges, slices, dices, and Julienne cuts. The original Vidalia, on the other hand, only allows two different types of dicing, and the usefulness of the smaller of the two is marginal at best.
I compared 7 different items in both choppers: cucumber, apple, potato, onion, tomato, hard-boiled eggs, and cheese. The cucumber had to be cut it into smaller pieces for the NutriChopper than for the Vidalia, and I felt like the latter required slightly less force than the NutriChopper. Although I felt that both performed satisfactorily, I gave a slight edge to the Vidalia due to less force required to cut.

For my apple test, the NutriChopper once again required me to cut it into smaller chunks, but it seemed to perform slightly better than the Vidalia, which was not even feasible with the smaller dicing blade. The ability to create wedges and slices with the NutriChopper made it a superior option.

The hardest food item I tested was a potato. I cut the ends off and peeled it in order to maximize the effectiveness of the chopping blades. In this comparison, both choppers performed about the same. Once again, I was limited in my options with the Vidalia, while the NutriChopper offered more choices, such as wedges and slices.
A red onion test was probably my most disappointing for both choppers. After cutting off the ends, the onion was still too large for the NutriChopper, so I had to cut it down further in order to fit it in the 2.5″ blade area. Once I had a size that fit, it required significant strength to dice, but much less force to slice. The Vidalia was also a struggle to dice the onion.

When testing a tomato, the Vidalia created a mess that went onto the table and onto my shirt, while the NutriChopper’s slices turned out well. Dicing a tomato did not seem to work well in either case.

My final two tests were hard boiled eggs and cheese, and I found that both of those went more smoothly than most of the other items I tried. Cheese slices were uniform and relatively easy to press through the NutriChopper, while diced cheese turned out fine in the Vidalia, although they did get stuck and had to be pressed through the blades.
My biggest complaint with the NutriChopper is that it has such a small surface area that in some cases it requires significant trimming of food in order to fit. Once I’ve cut it up that much, I wonder why I just don’t spend a few extra seconds cutting the rest of it with my chef’s knife. I also felt that even moderately hard food such as onions caused me to struggle to squeeze the item through the blades. Finally, on several occasions my hand was pinched by the NutriChopper as I squeezed it together.
I would give a very slight edge to the NutriChopper over the Vidalia Chop Wizard due to versatility, although I’m not sure I would recommend either of these. The newer Vidalia models offer more blades and would probably be slightly better than the NutriChopper.
Where to Purchase & Alternatives
You can buy the original Vidalia for about $20, or one of the newer models for about $25-$30. Be sure to skim the Nutrichopper comments on Amazon to see what others are saying about it.
Relevant Videos
Below you can see my full NutriChopper vs Vidalia Chop Wizard comparison. Below that is a short compilation of all 24 chops from that video in a one-minute video. And finally, I’ve included another chopper comparison, in which I look at similar choppers from 1956, 2009, and 2019.
Your NutriChopper Reviews
Have you used NutriChopper or a similar item? Tell me what you think below!
Updated June 2020.
Don’t buy the Nutri Chopper, no matter what. I couldn’t believe what happened. I purchased four nutrachoppers from Carol Wright Magazine for Christmas gifts. When I received the Nutri Chopper, all four Boxes only had three blades in the box – and was missing the dicer -blade, the one I would have used the most. I called Carol Wright Magazine They said the magazine said the chopper only advertised having THREE cutters (in the fine print) not four – even though FOUR were shown on the box. I called the Nuri Chopper Company Service Dept., to report what had happened.… Read more »
You both forgot about veg-o-matic from the 60’s. There wasn’t any pre-cutting of vegetables needed unless they were extra large. Cucumbers had to be cut due to the handle. Tomatos had to be firm or the smashed rather than cut. This is just a redo of an old item.