Air Whirl Crisper is an As Seen on TV kitchen gadget that can supposedly turn any pot or pan into an air fryer. Does it really work? I put it to the test and here are my results.
Where to Purchase
Note: As of this November 2024 update, the official website is offline and this product appears to be discontinued. The review below was posted in November 2022, when the product was still being marketed.
The now-defunct website was and it originally listed it at $59.99 plus $6.99 processing and handling. I added a second crisper tray to my order for an additional $9.99.
Claims & Features
- Fits “any” pot or pan according to the advertising, although the instructions state that it can only fit pans from 10-12 inches.
- Built in thermometer
- Large crisping tray
- Turbo fan circulates air to turn your pan into a convection oven
- Requires 3 AA Batteries (not included)
- Made of stainless steel
- Easier to store than a regular air fryer
Air Whirl Crisper Review
Air Whirl Crisper is an As Seen on TV kitchen gadget that is marketed as a way to turn “an ordinary pan into a stove top air fryer.” It is composed of two parts: a lid with a fan, and a crisper tray. The idea is that the fan circulates hot air inside the pan in the same manner as you’d find in an air fryer or convection oven. I purchased mine from the official website and it arrived quickly. I added a second crisper to my order rack for an additional $10, so my total cost including P&H and taxes was $82.83. It seems steep but if this can replace a full-sized air fryer, it could be worth it. That is a big “if” however.
Before I get into the actual review, I need to touch on some differences between the advertising, the instructions, and the reality of the product.
Advertising vs Reality
This is purely speculation, but I believe the TV commercial was likely produced using a prototype. I came to this conclusion because what is featured in the television ad is different than what I received. In some cases, those differences are cosmetic, but other changes could potentially affect the product’s effectiveness. The first thing I noticed was that the built-in thermometer I received was white and red, while the model in the commercial had a rainbow pattern. While I don’t think that is a significant issue, it is a telling sign that the design did in fact change between filming the commercial and mass production of the product.
Next, we have a more significant difference in the crisping rack/tray. The commercial demonstrates items such as wings and bacon laid across an elevated mesh rack (see screen shot below), but the crisper rack included in the retail packaging looks nothing like this. It is more of a vented crisping tray that lays flat against the bottom of the pan. It’s entirely possible that this change could alter the effectiveness of the product.

In the instructions, we are told to line the pan with foil before use, but none of the pans in the ads show this being done. The commercial also states that it is compatible with “virtually any pot or pan” but the instructions note that it only works with 10-to-12-inch pans.
Testing the Air Whirl Crisper
After unboxing the unit, carefully cleaning it, and loading it with three fresh AA batteries, the time had arrived to give it a try. For my first test, I went with an old air fryer standby: French fries. I also brought out a $60 Dash air fryer (Amazon Link) to compare against the Air Whirl Crisper. For this test, I used my 10-inch Granitestone Pro pan, lined it with foil, and placed the crisper tray inside. I then placed exactly 36 fries in the Air Whirl Crisper and 36 more in the Dash air fryer. Following the instructions on the packing for the fries, I set the Dash to 400 degrees for 5 minutes. I then set my stove to medium for the Air Whirl Crisper. Finally, I hit the button to engage the Air Whirl’s fan – and waited.
After 5 minutes, I pulled the basket out of my Dash and shuffled the fries around and placed the basket back in the unit and for another 5 minutes.
Once 10 minutes had passed, I checked the fries in the Dash and they were not quite cooked to my satisfaction, so I put them in for another three minutes. The fries in the Air Whirl Crisper were still cold, measuring around 44 degrees on my Klein thermal imager. After three more minutes, the Dash fries were perfect, but the Air Whirl Crisper fries were still cold.

The instructions state to turn the stove down to low if you need to cook for more than 12-15 minutes, so I reluctantly did this, knowing that it would likely increase the already extended cook time. I checked around the 30-minute mark and found the fries to still be uncooked, and I finally threw in the towel at the 60-minute mark when they were done but not crispy. I believe that turning the heat to low did not provide enough heat to properly crisp the fries.

I decided that I would not lower the heat after 12-15 minutes for my second test, which included a couple of other frozen favorites: chicken nuggets and tater tots. This time I used my 12-inch Hexclad pan, lined it with foil, dropped in the crisper tray, and filled it with a moderate amount of frozen nuggets and tots. I checked at 12 minutes, and they were only lukewarm. I then let it cook for another 12 minutes on medium heat and they were “done” at 23 minutes, although they weren’t as crispy as I’d like. I decided to toss them in my Dash for 4 minutes and they turned out much crispier.

For my final test, I decided to make two more changes: preheat the pan and skip the aluminum foil. I went with my Hexclad once again in a head-to-head test vs my regular oven making some biscuits. I set the burner to medium and let the pan warm up as I preheated the oven to 400 degrees. Once that was complete, I placed 5 biscuits on an ungreased cookie sheet and 5 biscuits in the Hexclad/Air Whirl combo. After 8 minutes, the biscuits in the oven were cooked to my liking, but the Air Whirl biscuits were unevenly cooked. The bottoms of the biscuits were brown while the tops were still doughy.

In the end, I am not a fan of the Air Whirl Crisper. Despite being advertised as a viable alternative to traditional air fryers, I found it to be slow and uneven. Further, the advertising showed items such as bacon and wings being prepared on an elevated mesh rack, but the instructions include a section labeled “Great Foods for the Air Whirl” and there is no mention of bacon, wings, or any protein aside from chicken nuggets.
I speculate that this was probably an effective product up to the prototype stage, but changes in production neutered it into the ineffective product that arrived at my doorstep. I don’t expect this to be around long because the initial wave of positive reviews that were given in exchange for a free product will probably be drowned out by paying customers who experience the same shortcomings I did.
Updated November 2024
Thank you once again for providing a good, honest review of a product that would tempt a lot of people who can’t afford an air-fryer and/or who don’t have space for one. As they say, forewarned is forearmed! I have no space for an air-fryer — and, to be fair, really haven’t missed having one. The price alone would keep me from buying this ($60 for a lid!). I saw an item on QVC, the Cook’s Essentials Air Fryer Lid for Pots, Pans & Pressure Cookers, that supposedly fit 6-12-inch wide pots, pans, and/or pressure cookers (???). It’s powered via… Read more »
Thank you for your insightful comment. I must have missed the other lid on QVC, but I’ll see if I can find it. If that one plugs into the wall, perhaps the fan is stronger than this one. It does seem that they are worried about pans by asking you to line the bottom with foil and to turn the heat down after 12-15 minutes.
My guess is that the original prototype had a stronger fan and the elevated rack that would actually allow air to flow around food. Why it was changed is anyone’s guess!
I bought and returned, worst product ever.
Very unhappy.
Don’t buy
Thanks for this review. Was going to buy a couple for Christmas but knowing what I know now, no way….
I totally agree with your review, every bit of it. This has to be the most deceptive product ever made. I thought my pan was going to burn up, and still the chicken nuggets were barely Luke warm. I had the unit turned to medium. I ended up turning on the oven to cook them the old fashioned way. Don’t buy into the hype of this worthless product. I wish there was a way to get my money back. This thing is trash. I did everything right, followed every instruction, but still it did not work as they said.
I’m sorry to hear that you didn’t have good luck with this. I feel like the idea is there but it just doesn’t “pan” out in reality. Did your crisping tray look like mine, or like the one in the commercial? I’ve heard they may have changed it. I’m not sure that will save the product, though.
Jeff Reviews4u on YouTube just reviewed the same lid. He received a different crisping pan (tray) than you. (He referenced and linked your review.) His results were different than yours, but not enough that it would convince me to spend $60 on what seems to be a limited-use item. A dedicated air-fry would still be better in the long run. I don’t know if this lid would be more successful with a (or the) different tray (if you had one that fit) with the thought that air could circulate around the food better. Like you, he felt preheating the pan… Read more »
Interesting. I wonder if they just quietly switched out the tray, which I felt was the weakest feature. Their packaging and advertising shows two different trays, and the one I didn’t get seemed like it would work better.
I use the Hexclad several times a week. The surface does look a bit worn, but it’s still hanging in there. I just wash it in warm soapy water without any extra care.
Just used our All Star air Whirl crisper for the first and last time. Terrible, tried making wings, both kinds. The flat ones took 25 minutes, the larger part of the wings cooked over 40 minutes and still were red at the bone. Don’t waste your time and money on this product.
I purchased the product a few weeks ago. I had it stored with the instruction book under my sink. I had a leak and it destroyed the instruction book. Can I download and print out the book or can you send me one ?
Email info @
thanks for the review. I am glad I watched your review before I made of decision. I have an Air Fryer oven that I simply love. Have you ever done a review on one of those? It is a little large but we keep it in one of our lower cabinets until we are ready to use. It is different than normal Air Fryer. I was skeptical too about the Air Whirl. I saw this advertised for $32. Definitely not even worth$5! Thanks again.
I also got sucked into the hype with similar results. After 45 minutes threw my food away. Will attempt a refund. Please read reviews and do not purchase. I regretfully bought food I was looking forward to making. This probably will also be a waste. Agree product on ad is different from one you receive
I so wish I saw this before I purchased one. Not used and will be returned.
Thank You
It’s FANTASTIC for reheating cold/frozen pizza because the heat coming up from the bottom makes the crust super crunchy.
I want to return for full refund, they will not contact me.
My Air fryer crisper lid is a flop, glad I watched to you tube demonstration.
I could not figure out how to make it work.
All I have been asking for is a full refund a shipping label and a shipping box.
When I try to contact now, no response, I tried the phone number and I get tons of rings and finally a strange tone.
I know I have been ripped off now.
Asadeals can’t help.and I am out 49.94.
Annette Prindel Prindel
Hi Annette, where did you purchase your crisper?
This product is not worth your time or money. Read all reviews before buying. Plus cooking with batteries over heat is dangerous. The point of having a air fryer is so grease will drain from your food, easily. With this I still have to heat up my stove an that heats up my house in the summer using more electric to cool my house! This product would get absolutely no stars from me.
Thank you for reviewing the air whirl crisper lid I just wanted to let you that
they gave you a vegetable steamer basket with out a handle. To put your food
on what you really need is a rack and really good batties my friend has one an
she love’s it she uses all the time.
Have a good
Tried this item. I highly recommend NOT buying it. Don’t know how this ever made it to the market. Worthless piece of garbage
I purchased this item for $10 clearance at Walmart. Tried it tonight and the only excitement I got was my smoke detectors kept going off. No progress at 15 minutes. At 30 minutes I could see browning. I removed from stovetop to cool. I’m hungry and 30 minutes later I’m not able to get the lid off. I also find it to be awkwardly hazardous to attempt to remove the lid without getting burned. Guess I’ll take the batteries out so the fan won’t come on when I try to open again.
Sounds like your experience was similar to mine!