Testing Amazon Products Under $10!

I recently picked up 9 interesting products from Amazon, all of them under $10. I tested each of them out, and today I’ll give you my review of each one.

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Testing 9 Amazon Products Under $10

Where to Purchase

Below are links to all 9 products in my review, along with the prices I paid. They are listed in the order presented in my YouTube video. Please note that the prices listed below are those that I paid, and Amazon prices tend to fluctuate regularly.

BeKoool Cooling Patch

Here in Las Vegas, we’ve had the hottest summer on record, so I’m always eager to try out a new cooling gadget. The BeKoool Active Cooling Patch is a pack of four patches that don’t require refrigeration and provide relief for up to four hours. You simply peel off the backing and stick it to the back of your neck. They recommend preparing your neck by removing sweat or hair, which I did. The gel used isn’t specified in the product materials I have, but the patch did work overall. It provided a constant cooling sensation to my neck for about four straight hours. The edges started to come off a bit, but otherwise, it stayed in place. I like that it doesn’t require any preparation (unlike other gadgets that need to be charged or frozen), but it is a disposable, one-time-use product, so that should also be taken into consideration. The only other downside, aside from being disposable, is that it has the appearance of a feminine liner, which was pointed out to me by a female friend. That might not dissuade me from using it, but it might prompt me to conceal it!

Peach Pitter

I can’t say I eat enough peaches to warrant a special gadget, but when I saw this unusual kitchen tool on Amazon by Chef’n, I couldn’t resist. This Pac-Man-looking utensil is designed to help you pit and cut a peach in seconds. To use it, you cut through the peach perpendicular to the peach’s seam. Then, grasping the tool in one hand, you rotate the peach. If all goes well, the peach will be cut in half after one full turn. Next, you use the tool to grab onto the pit and rotate it, which should make it fall out.

In my tests, I had mixed results. With smaller white peaches, I was able to cut and pit them with ease. However, with larger yellow peaches, the tool became stuck, and I was never able to successfully cut or pit the peach. Some commenters on Amazon stated that it works best with very ripe peaches, so perhaps that’s the case, although I don’t recall the instructions or Amazon listing stating that as a fact. When it works, it works well. It just doesn’t always work.

Sleep Mask

Next up, we have a 3-pack of sleep masks with a staggering number of ratings on Amazon—over 63,000. This pack cost me $9.99 and came in three colors: blue, purple, and black. The instructions state to wash by hand and air dry before use, which I did. These masks are said to be good for side sleepers, a group to which I belong. I’ve had difficulty with sleep masks in the past because of metal clips on the band that dig into my bald scalp while laying on my side.

In my tests, I found these to be perfect for side sleeping, with no discomfort whatsoever. The mask blocks close to 100% of the light and fits comfortably over the head. I’m not sure if I will continue to use them because they work too well for me. I rely on sunlight to regulate my sleep, but when I wore these masks, I overslept, and it threw my schedule off. That is perhaps a testament to how well they work. I can see why they are so popular on Amazon.

Pizza Cutter

I’ve tried my fair share of pizza cutters over the years, but none that resemble this bizarre model. It combines a pizza wheel, serrated cutter, and serving spatula with a clip, all into a single unit. I used it on a relatively small frozen pizza and found that the wheel is certainly serviceable. They show an entire pizza being lifted out of the oven, but the unit was too small for that, in my opinion, plus the wheel seemed to get in the way when using it as a spatula. The serrated cutter is nice and sharp and would serve nicely in a pinch.

In my experience, the spatula was perhaps the weak link due to its small size and the placement of the wheel, which sometimes pushed the slice of pizza away as you’re trying to scoop it up. The clip does work, but plan on it smashing the crust when in use. I find it to be an interesting product with an innovative design, but I wouldn’t say it outperforms any tools I already have. It’s a jack of all trades, master of none.

Washer Door Prop

Perhaps the simplest product in this collection, the front-load washer door prop has a single task: to keep washer doors open while not in use. Keeping a washer door open is important to avoid the growth of mold or mildew inside the machine. With a strong magnetic base and flexible arm, it is simply a matter of affixing it to the washer and bending the gooseneck until it is in the desired position. Made of a soft rubbery material, it has little risk of scratching or damaging the exterior of your machine.

The tight quarters of my laundry room forced me to alter the configuration of the door prop.

Because of the very tight quarters where my machine resides, I had to alter the placement of the door prop. Their photos showed it wrapped around the front of the door, but my laundry room door would not close in this configuration. Because of this, I folded the door prop in half so my door would close. It may not look as elegant as what they show in their photos, but it gets the job done. I’m not sure this solution is better than the towel I usually place over the door, but I’ll continue to use it and update this space if anything changes.

Ice Pop Sleeves

I’ve tried my fair share of can koozies over the years, but never a “koozie” for an ice pop. This simple gadget comes in a 6-pack and is designed to prevent kids from getting frozen or sticky hands. I went outside with a regular frozen pop in one hand, and a frozen pop in one of these sleeves in the other. The sleeve did in fact prevent my hand from the numbing cold of the ice pop, yet I was still able to push the ice upward while in use. I went inside and checked a digital thermometer and found the ice pop measuring around 20 F, while the sleeve’s exterior was in the upper 40s. If you have little kids who consume these regularly, this could be a good addition to your routine.

Grocery Bag Dispenser

You may recall my review of another grocery bag dispenser from 2022, which I quite liked, so when I saw this model online, I knew I had to try it out. This comes as a two-pack with two mounting options: adhesive or screws. Assembly is straightforward, consisting of just two pieces—the bottom and the rounded sides. The unit has holes around the sides for easy retrieval of items inside. While it’s primarily marketed for grocery bags, it can also be used for socks, underwear, or any other small flexible items.

I stuffed one of mine with about ten grocery bags and found the removal process as easy as grabbing a portion of the bag and pulling. The other unit I filled with socks. In the bottom, I put unpaired ankle socks, and in the top, I placed several paired socks. Overall, I felt this was a simple, elegant, and functional product. Getting a pack of two for under $10 feels like a solid deal.

Spud Dude

“Spud Dude” is by far the best name of any product in this collection. This small potato character vegetable brush by Joie is one part cute, one part ridiculous, and one part functional. It looks like a Mr. Potato Head with nylon bristles on his back. I tested it out on a bag of potatoes of various sizes and found that it did the job it was supposed to do. I wasn’t a fan of using constantly running water as the instructions stated, but I can see why that is a necessary step. All of the potatoes I scrubbed were nice and clean afterward, and the bristles held up fine.

My primary complaint is the size. After one or two potatoes, the size didn’t bother me, but after an entire bag, I felt like my fingers were getting sore. If it were a bit larger, I could grip it with my palm and hold it more comfortably. I’m guessing for a lot of people the cute factor may offset any minor annoyances.

Watermelon Cutter

Although I’ve tested numerous watermelon tools over the years, inevitably I end up falling back to using my regular knife. In recent months, however, I’ve noticed a watermelon tool that offered a new twist on watermelon cutting: It creates a popsicle-shaped wedge of watermelon that is easy to hold and eat. This tool also has a cutter reminscient of the Slice Right and similar tools, along with a standard fork for easy retrieval, but the popsicle tool is what interested me most. I cut out a circular slice of watermelon and pressed this tool onto the edge and it actually created a popsicle-looking wedge of watermelon, complete with a “handle” from the rind. You really can’t create a lot of “popsicles” per watermelon slice, so you’d probably need to cut up the remnants into cubes. Despite this, I feel like kids will love the concept, and it’s easy enough for Dad or Mom to pull out and create a few “popsicles” for eager kids waiting nearby. It’s a total novelty tool, but something the fun factor may be high enough for parents to consider.

Conclusion and Final Rank

Below is my rank for these products in the order that I feel that I am most likely to use them, not necessarily an attempt to objectively rank their usefulness.

  1. Bag dispenser
  2. Washer Stopper
  3. Spud Dude
  4. Sleep Mask
  5. Watermelon Slicer
  6. Cooling Patch
  7. Ice Pop Sleeve
  8. Peach Pitter
  9. Pizza Cutter

Well that’s it for this collection. It was a fun and interesting batch of products to try out! I will update this written article over time if anything changes as I continue to use these products. If you’ve used any of these, tell me what you think in the comments below!

Video Review

You can watch the full video below!

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7 months ago

Love your videos!

6 months ago

Ice pop sleeve will come in handy with the grand kids. Nice review of items.