Power XL Duo NutriSealer is a handheld vacuum sealer pitched by Eric Theiss on late-night and weekend infomercials. It’s advertised as a powerful, compact vacuum sealer with a patented double seal that provides extra security and provides the ability to produce smaller snack packs. Today I offer my review.
Where to Purchase
The Power XL Duo NutriSealer can be purchased from Amazon (here) or direct from the Power XL website. You can expect to pay about $100 for it, as of this writing.
Power XL Duo NutriSealer Review
I first noticed this handheld vacuum sealer while perusing infomercials on a Saturday morning. This infomercial featured Eric Theiss pitching his newest offering: a compact vacuum sealer with a double-seal design. I immediately went to the official website and forked over $111.21, with tax and a mysterious “transaction fee” included. To my delight, the product arrived only a couple of days later.
Upon unboxing the product, I found the sealer, four vacuum sealer rolls, a recipe booklet, an attachment, and a couple of sample sealer bags. There are other options I did not purchase, such as containers and a wine attachment. The top of the unit has three buttons: Vacuum & Seal, Seal Only, and Vacuum Only. There is also a cutter which is needed for creating your own bags – which is the first step.

The first step before doing any sealing is to make your own bags from the included rolls. This is a simple process in which you lay the roll across the unit, close the handle, and slide the cutter across the bag. You then press the “Seal Only” button, which seals the bag in about 10 seconds. You then have a bag ready for sealing. If you plan to make snack packs, you cannot make bags longer than 10.5 inches, due to the width of the unit.

Most of the tests I did were based on what was shown in the infomercial. I also wanted to compare this unit to another random sealer, and I had a model by Fresko in my mail pile, so I used that for comparison.
My first test was a couple ears of corn. I inserted two ears inside my bag and lined up the open end with the vacuum section of the sealer. It took about 25 seconds total time. My only initial complaint was that the unit was significantly louder than I had expected. I also tried two ears of corn with the Fresko and it took significantly longer, at 64 seconds.

For my next test, I tried making snack packs which were so heavily touted in the infomercial. These are made possible by to the unit’s 5/16″ double seal. To make snack packs, you create a normal bag and then seal it again down the center vertically. From there, you add a small amount your desired contents to each side (in my case it was peanuts and Triscuits). You then seal above those contents, and continue adding until you have 4 or 6 packs. For the last step, you just have to cut between all of the sections to form individual packs. It seems like a bit of a novelty, although it is does indeed work. The question I had was how to open them, and my solution was to simply cut a tiny notch with a pair of scissors for easy tearing.

Next up I wanted to try vacuum sealing some breakfast cereal in each sealer. With the Power XL, I was able to stop the vacuuming and move right to the sealing, but this feature was not available with the Fresko. Despite this small concern, both sealers did a fine job of sealing the cereal. Other food items I vacuum sealed were cheese and steaks.
Throughout my tests, I noticed that the latch on the Power XL was at times fussy and required extra pressure in order to latch. It was never a problem, but I worry about that getting worse over time.
Another touted feature of the Power XL is its ability to re-seal bags such as cereal, and it did in fact perform this operation exactly as advertised. So did the Fresko.
After 24 hours, I checked all of the seals from the first day. The only issue I had was the vacuum sealed cereal with the Fresko, which had lost its seal. All other seals were still intact.
I wanted to try a couple of “parlor tricks” shown in the infomercial. The first one entailed sealing a phone and dunking it in water to prove that it was airtight – and it was. The last test was the “can crushing” test in which empty cans were placed in a sealer bag and vacuum sealed to show how powerful the unit is. Although Eric Theiss proclaimed that other sealers couldn’t do that, the Fresko actually crushed the cans more thoroughly than the Power XL.
The last test was the liquid test to see how both of these sealers handled wet food. I went with tomato sauce, which was used in the infomercial, and both sealers handled it perfectly. Nothing was spilled into either unit, so I’d say they both passed that test.

In the end, I would say that the Power XL Duo NutriSealer generally performed on par with what the advertising shows. It certainly isn’t the only game in town, but if you find the double seal function and compact design to be compelling, this could be a good fit for you. If cost is a factor, however, you may want to shop around as there are numerous options at a lower price.
If you’ve tried the Power XL Duo NutriSealer, tell me what you think in the comments below!
Thank you for this! I’ve been looking at different sealers and haven’t purchased any. I’ve used (or tried to use) my brother’s sealer with little success. This almost looks fool proof and seeing real-world use makes it more appealing. I would mainly use a sealer at one specific time in the year and can’t see putting out a lot of money for something I would only use a couple times a year. However, this looks a little more versatile and easier to use than some of the countertop or larger models I’ve looked at/tried. I saw that there were accessory… Read more »
Hi there, and thanks for the comment!
I opted for the less expensive package without attachments, as I figured that would be what most people purchase.
Don’t buy it! If you want a reliable sealer get the Food Saver. It is reliable, and works well for years. The power xl is over priced and doesn’t work.
It’s apiece of crap/GARBAGE! It vacuumed a couple of times then stopped. It seals when it wants too. The latch that securely holds the lid down malfunctions all the time. I’ve had this machine barely 3 months and 2 weeks and it’s WORTHLESS! What a WASTE of $157.00
Dude they have a warranty, use it or quit crying
Warranty is only 90 days Bud! He’s had it longer than that! Quit being a smart A$$
Barely 3 months is less than 90 days Isn’t it?
I had the same issue except it. Ours started smoking after the first time we used it. I reached out to customer service repeatedly to try and take advantage of the warranty and no one responds to me.
Exactly RIGHT! Then when they go to exchange it for another one they make you take a picture of you cutting the cord but if you want your money back they make you mail it back and pay shipping for the piece of c*** that it is.
I only had yo send a picture of the cut cord and then email the picture. Got a new unit. I fid not need to send the entire unit back.
You speed read like my wife. Melanie said the same thing you just said. Then she added ”but if you want your MONEY BACK they make you mail it back and pay shipping…’
I totally agree. I used mine twice and now the power comes on but it will
not seal or make bags. A bunch of wasted money.
You nare absolutely right,a bunch of wasted money,that have sent me several an none of them lasted long..the one once
now will not vacuum..any suggestions
Thank You
I was up at 4:00 am and seen the Power XL Duo NutriSealer handheld vacuum sealer infomercials. Was about to call and decided to look up reviews. Thank You
I will keep looking for a less expensive one
My sealer only works on VACUUM it will not seal. Worked perfect when I first got it. Now it is useless.
This product is no good! I sealed about 20 packages of chicken I purchased in bulk (my main reason for buying it). In the end it stopped vacuuming altogether. From the beginning, aligning the plastic bags (wrap) under the small flimsy plastic bar is tedious and takes nearly 45 seconds or more. Then the vacuum is very weak. Standing next to the ZipLoc bag with the air manually pushed out looked nearly the same. I really wanted it to work but I’m returning it today for a cheaper option that hopefully has the snack bag and marinade functions.
Sounds like I have the TWIN to yours I used mine for 6 packages of meat when brought it home, wasn’t anything to brag about but to give it a second chance got #40 of chicken legs brought it home have been at those chicken legs for 3.5 hours already and don’t even have 1/2 of them done yet, piece of crap going to try and use of the bags and if not the bags and definitely the unit and bags together are going in the trash, and the latch they should have just included a heavy rubber band it… Read more »
I want to know the warranty ?
90-day money back guarantee if you aren’t happy with it. 1 year replacement guarantee if it breaks.
I agree with Carlos. It’s apiece of crap/GARBAGE! Etc.
I am very unhappy with the duo powerxl. The latch is more than fussy. It is hard to latch it and unlatch it. I actually took skin off my thumb trying to get it to open. The cutting blade doesn’t always work, I had to use scissors some of the time to cut the bags. It doesn’t always seal and vacuum on the first try. I would not recommend this product to anyone .
Power XL did not vacuum from the start. Tried multiple times and no luck. Lock mechanism is more than “fussy.” I’m returning the product as it doesn’t perform as claimed. I bought a Nesco ($89), and it works perfectly. Nesco is a little bigger (similar to a FoodSaver), but it hasn’t failed yet after heavy use of sealing over 100 bags of meat, sauce, green beans, bread and more.
Power XL Sealer
I’ve been vacuum sealing for many years ,and have had several different brands. By far ,the power so sealer is the biggest piece of cap I’ve ever been conned into by an infomercial. Does it seal? Yes . But getting the bag in the right position to cycle is like cracking a safe,. Buy ANY OTHER SEALER! This is the sealer they would use if the hurt locker were a cooking show.
I bought the Powesealer XL, used 4 times and the vacuum mode quit working. I called and they are replacing the unit in 7 days.
No good stay far away from this product. Very hard to get refunded for this junk. Make in China that they fail to mention. Came broke. Don’t waste your time or money on this product
Just received seems great like all new gadgets you have to practic6.
Hi James thank you for your review. I was hoping at the end of my reading there would be rebuttals and happily there were. This is the second time I have watched this infomercial and again was impressed but I wanted to check reviews again first. Not sure if the company knew you were reviewing and sent you a new model. It seems that on your review site as on others there are more cons than pros about the XL Duo which to me is a shame because the item is a great design. I am wondering if the company… Read more »
Hi Leslie,
I didn’t tip the company off as to my intentions when buying it, so I don’t think that was it. I have heard a lot of negative feedback about this product, so my experience appears to be in the minority. This is purely speculation, but I do know that there have been products in which the initial production run yielded better results than later production runs. That is the only explanation I can think of, but again it is just a guess.
just what the planet needs : more waste plastics finding their way into the oceans!
there’s already the waste present from the original packaging so let’s effectively, potentially double the amount of waste.
ha! I forgot to add my experience with this sealer and unfortunately had a similar outcome as most others. it worked for about two weeks and in that time it was used four times. yes they do have a warranty but I decided to chalk it up as a lesson learned. why would I want another one??? spare me the contemptment
I agree that this unit is subpar. Inconsistent sealing. I’ve not had mine a year yet and it stopped working properly. I have sealed dozens of bags so I’m familiar with how it is “supposed” to work. I have emailed customer service but have not heard back. Probably time to throw this in the trash and buy a good one.
Thanks everyone for your review, it’s just another infomercial glorification of another made in China yet overpriced junk product that I’ve seen over all my years on earth! I’m at the point where it no longer is necessary for me to buy without first checking reviews.
I purchased 2 and gave one to my nephew. However when I went to use mine the vacuum didn’t work. I didn’t test it when I bought so I had it for several months before finding this out. Is there a way to fix the vacuum sealer or something to try and get it to work? I don’t use it that often just when we butcher and it really would have come in handy if it had worked when trying to vacuum seal.
I was very disappointed in the sealer I feel that it was a waste of money. The sealer part work the vacuum sealer did not. I even tried contacting the company, and I was disappointed that Eric would represent something like this.
I’m having a big problem with the vacuum portion. I line it up as recommended but it isn’t vacuuming properly. I’m no dummy but I give up on this sealer
Not a good product. Does not fully seal. Needs a way to determine bag size you want to create. Too difficult to line up with the stops. I noticed on the commercial they never show creating equal sized compartments I would not recommend this product.
My sealer worked a few times and stopped working. Unfortunately I can’t find my paperwork to return it so I ended up buying a new one. I purchased from infomercial so I received 2 for 1 and gave the other to my mom and hers never worked.
I ordered this pos after watching a lot of “real life” tests. I got the upgraded black and silver model as the gray ones were out of stock. I also opted for the second “free” unit for only $36.00 . When they arrived I couldn’t wait to try them so I opened 1 box took every thing out and read the operators booklet, plugged it in and off I went. Made a Bag with ease put a small block of cheese in the bag, took great care to align the bag in the vacuum chamber, locked the lid just the… Read more »
Cleaning is a big issue. If you spill one small drop of blood or chicken juice you cannot get the smell out of the rubber sealer part. I have tried everything from Clorox to boiling. The sour smell does not come out. There are no replacement parts so you have to buy a new machine.
Worst sealer ever. didn’t do half of what was advertised, couldn’t find compatible bags for it, and it quit working literally right after the warranty expired. wouldn’t seal or vacuum. I emailed the company and got told “your warranty is expired so no replacement will be provided”. May as well as flushed my money down the toilet. I will be purchasing a Food Saver Sealer and staying with them. Food Saver does what it says and can be trusted and they stand behind their products. My husband is an electrical specialist who can fix anything and he can’t even get… Read more »
I wish I would have read the comments before I bought this piece of crap. I used it three times and two of the three buttons would not work. I got another that my sister-in-law had and never used, I used it five times, and all three of the buttons stopped working. not only that it would not shut. It’s a piece of crap and they said they would replace it but I had to pay $24.95 for shipping and handling. For it not to work again I don’t think so. DONT BUY IT, IT’S A PIECE OF JUNK!
Do NOT purchase this product! We used ours one time and then when we plugged it in and the next time it started smoking and I opened it up and it already had burn marks all over the Sealer bars. Repeated attempts to contact Customer Service have been ignored.
I purchased the power xl sealer and have found it to be the WORST sealer I have ever owned. They had to send me 3 of them until they sent me one that sealed and vacuumed sealed. After 3 months, even that one ceased to function properly. Absolute waste of money. I hate it.
I bought one of these as a present for my wife because that’s what she wanted. We tried it out and it worked okay for almost a year, and then within the 8th month the vacuum started to go out on it. We thought it was just the way we were holding the bag. I called customer service and told them about this, and they said it was out of warranty because of the date that I bought it, not the date that I received it or the date that I started using it. Customer service was absolutely horrible, and… Read more »
Piece of junk. Handle broke after a few months use. Used very little. Waste of money.
Not user friendly. Don’t waste your money.
I am very disappointed in the product. It doesn’t open up that wide to put bag on and the suction does not work like advertised. To me it is not worth the money. I would not recommend it to my family or friends. I have had a rival and worked 💯 better than the Power XL Duo vacuum and sealer.