Rocky Mountain Tumbler is a 30 ounce tumbler which keeps beverages cold for up to 24 hours. Read my Rocky Mountain Tumbler review.
About Rocky Mountain Tumbler
Rocky Mountain Tumbler is a stainless steel travel mug advertised as superior to plastic tumblers. The official product website is, which was registered in August 2016. Below is a screen capture showing the official website as it appeared in August 2016 (note that pricing has since changed since this screen shot was taken).
Claims & Features
- Made of “indestructible 18/8 stainless steel”
- Double-wall vacuum insulation
- Keeps beverages twice as hot or cold as plastic tumblers
- Clear lid
- Holds 30 ounces
- BPA free
I found it at a local Fry’s here in Las Vegas for $19.99 and you can still find it on Amazon.
Rocky Mountain Tumbler Review
The advertising for Rocky Mountain Tumbler begins with demonstrations such as a flame thrower against the mug containing an ice cold drink. While such exhibitions are more demonstrative than literal, they do make the bold statement that this travel mug can keep drinks at their desired temperatures even under extreme conditions.
The mug sports a popular double wall vacuum design which is a proven winner in this category of products. The 18/8 stainless steel construction is durable, while the 30 ounce capacity should be ample enough for most consumers. Travel mugs of this design do an extraordinary job of keeping beverages hot or cold all day long.
Purchasing only one puts it at the high end of the price range for this type of product. The double offer of two for about $29 brings it to the middle of the pack price-wise, assuming you don’t mind buying two of them.

As you can see in my tests below, Rocky Mountain Tumbler did a pretty good job with most of my tests, such as keeping a beverage warm for hours in a car, or even keeping ice frozen while it sat in a pot of boiling water. It didn’t really keep coffee “piping hot” when left overnight, and ice water stayed cold – although most of the ice melted after 9 hours.
The commercial hints that the lid has a “water tight seal” but I found that it leaked quite easily when tipped over. I thought this was only a minor detail when shooting my video below, but it is apparently a deal-breaker for many potential customers. I later purchased this leak-proof lid, which is compatible with Rocky Mountain Tumbler, and only costs about $7.
Overall, Rocky Mountain Tumbler appears to be a solid entrant in this category. There doesn’t seem to be anything that makes it stand out from similarly-designed competitors (see below) but I’m confident it will be highly rated among those who do purchase it. The non-leakproof lid could be the product’s most significant flaw.
The Ozark Trail is a well-received offering in this category, and at the bottom of the price scale.
Video Review
Below is my hands-on review of Rocky Mountain Tumbler. After that is my hot car test, with the Red Copper Mug, Ozark Trail, and Rocky Mountain Tumbler, as my car hit over 130 degrees.
Your Rocky Mountain Tumbler Reviews
What do you think of Rocky Mountain Tumbler? Give me your opinion in the comments below!
Updated December 2016 to reflect new pricing, updated ‘double offer,’ and local availability. Additional photos added February 2017. “Hot Car” video added June 2017.
I really liked the review you gave. Thank you.
I’m driving and using my microphone to put this post up and my last post and I hope that this microphone is saying everything I’m just wanting it to say but the last I’d like to say is lame lame lame
Thank you very much for your review—-I have yet to find a single “as advertised on TV” product worth anything—-much less meet the TV hype—-so honest reviews are very important to me
There are a few decent “As Seen on TV” products out there, but you’re right that most never live up to the hype. And many are similar to products you can find online or in stores without the “double offer” that requires excessive “P&H” costs.
Thank you—-And I am certain that you are correct that there are a few good products —– they are just hard to find because of many of the bad ones that block our vision—-why it is so helpful to have people like yourself who help us get through the maze with honest reviews—-thank you for your service to the consumer!!!!
Thank you for your kind comment. Be sure to check out the Freakin’ Reviews YouTube channel for new As Seen on TV reviews every week (sorry for the shameless plug, but it seemed appropriate!).
Did you leave lid on overnight?
Thank you for the honest review. I was going to buy but due to the leaky lid, I am not buying it.
Looking for a last minute gift for wife for Christmas and after seeing the commercial for this product I attempted to order two online. First off, no subtotal screen came up and after adding the “deluxe” option, I was charged over $100.00 for four tumblers. I emailed and called asking to be refunded for half and could not get in touch with them either way. So, I gave the second pair to a neighbor as a gift. On to the review, horse crap. These do none of what they claim to do. It kept my wife’s tea hot for an… Read more »
Go to Walmart. Get the Ozarc trail. It is made in the same factory as the Yeti. $10 bucks all day. They even come powder coated now. Same price.
Thanks for the honest rating. My RM Tumbler keeps coffee warm about four or five hours. I’m puzzled, though, about the prohibition of putting a stainless steel tumbler in the dishwasher. Why not?
From what I have been told, these types of tumblers are not supposed to be put in the dishwasher because this can break the vacuum seal, which would negatively affect their ability to retain heat. That said, I’ve put the Rocky Mountain Tumbler in the dishwasher and so far there does not seem to be any problem. Perhaps I am just pushing my luck!
Thank you for your honest rating and review of this item. I very recently nearly made a purchase of the IBX Tumbler and very glad that I did not make the purchase. When ordering the product you go through a seamingly endless pages of advertising of accessories for the mugs and special pricing of the mugs for ordering 3,5,7,9,etc in case you have family or guests who take them. Then there’s a bunch of “partner” ads trying to sell you completely diffrent products as well before you do the final checkout. Their pricing is misleading because it shows a quantity… Read more »
There’s no such thing as a “leak proof” they’re all going to spill, so as long as everything else can be trusted I guess
I ordered 2 of these. Watch the wording CAREFULLY on the Rocky mountain website. Also screen shot your pages in the event your total differes from theirs, I do this for ALL my online purchases. Item is basically as advertised, great for hot and cold beverages. CHEERS!
Oh yes. I enjoy it also. The flaw to me, the top leaked. Everything else worked
I baught two Ozark trails equivalent from Walmart for $9.98 each I put boiling hot coco in at 9:30 pm and at 4:30 pm was still hot. And although I haven’t kept cold liquids in for 24 hrs it has lasted all day at staying cold even without ice. I would recommend buying the Ozark trails tumbler instead.
I will have to try that one next… thanks
Good write up. My family has all used Yeti for years. I just go to Wally World and get the Ozarc Trails for under $10. Best deal for the 30oz tumbler.
Thats the only thing, it got me. The top does leak, when it leans over. But other than that, it works as advertised
I like the new Rocky Mt tumbler I bought. It keeps the hot coffee (tea) hot for at least ten hours. After that it was just warm. Draw back is that it is so darn large in diameter, it’s hard for a small hand to wrap around it. I’m a petite lady, and have small hands. Taking it out of the cup holder is hard. Other then this it was a good buy.
My experience with Rocky mountain tumbler is its a total piece of junk.
The vacuum seal in the Rocky mountain tumbler I got was defective, thus the outside got so hot you couldn’t hold it, and the hot coffee inside was cold in an hour or less. I complained to them and they wanted me to pay to mail it back to them, but the shipping would be more money out of my pocket plus a $3 dollar return fee out of my pocket. They wouldn’t do any thing to stand behind it unless it cost me more money. Total junk was my experience .
I purchased 2 of these thinking that I was going to get one of them free. WRONG, WRONG!. Then I was extremely disappointed because I found that it leaks. BAD, BAD!
The customer service sucks. I returned the items without opening the package and they kept $10.01 of my money. When I tried to return them customer service said it will be no problem and I will receive my full amount that I paid but that was a lie.
So, I’ve read all of your comments and it seems to be a mix. I wish I had read all this first since I just purchased these today. I as well was confused about the wording & the pricing at the end but from what I can tell I think I am getting 2 or 3 of them? I needed 6 mugs but at this point I think I am going to purchase 3 of the Ozarc Trail mugs & have my family compare them. It should be interesting!!
I have not tested the Rocky Mountain Brand, but I did purchase the 30oz Ozark Tumbler. I keep cold liquids in it day in and day out. I fill with ice and Sweet Tea every morning. I refill the liquid (but not the ice) during the day and again at dinner. After dinner, I pour out the remaining ice and wash it for the next mornings usage. It’s usually about 1/2 full of ice when I finally empty the mug each evening. I love this product. I also was able to purchase a handle for the mug which provides for… Read more »
I have not yet tested the Rocky Mountain Brand, but I did purchase the 30oz Ozark Tumbler. I keep cold liquids in it day in and day out. I fill with ice and Sweet Tea every morning. I refill the liquid (but not the ice) during the day and again at dinner. After dinner, I pour out the remaining ice and wash it for the next mornings usage. It’s usually about 1/2 full of ice when I finally empty the mug each evening. I love this product. I also was able to purchase a handle for the mug which provides… Read more »
My opinion of this Rocky Mountain Tumbler (I bought 2), is NOT GOOD! The tumbler sucks when trying to drink from it, without it leaking/spilling the liquid down the front of my chin. I have tried several different ways of trying to sip from it, without it making a mess of my shirt. To take a sip, you need to have a napkin handy! I WOULD NOT buy another one or recommend it to my friends. ~JOHN~ said dat
Found rocky mountain tumbler leaks and is heavy. Bought for fairs and it leaks when it tips over. Don’t recommend for travel. Ice only lasts 9 hours not 24
I like the Rocky Mountain tumbler because it holds a large amount of coffee and it does stay hot longer than other thermal cups I’ve used. But, six-seven hours later my coffee was cold. The commercial says it stays hot after being frozen in a block of ice overnight – okay, I don’t think it will do that if it doesn’t keep coffee hot all day. Still, better than some others; my favorite.
I have now bought 4 tumblers. We love them.. My granddaughter puts her ice in hers. Lasts all day long, or tilo the ice is gone. My drinks stay very cold depending how much ice I put in it. I highly recommend these to every one. I have never had a problem with the lid leaking on any of them. Maybe those people put theirs in the dishwasher.
I bought 2 RMT’s-they do very well with cold beverages with ice. However, they don’t keep hot drinks for very long and the lid does leak if the cup is tipped over. I also got the additional handles for them-tried without and the cup is difficult to hold or pick up. If the cup is very full you have to sip carefully or you will end up spilling onto your face and front of your shirt-also, by the time I added the handles I ended up paying almost 50.00. Overall I think I will look at other brands.
I was ready to pull the trigger and purchase one of these and pay the fee for the second until I read the review.
My present travel mugs are by Contigo, but are only 20 ounces. The Contigo mugs keep the contents HOT for 6-8 hours and are leak proof. You’ve got to press a button to drink from them.
The larger Contigo is too costly to purchase, so I looked at the RockyMountain product. Seeing how the RM cup leaks, the CS is bad at best, I’m sticking with my Contigo mugs.
I purchased the Rocky Mountain tumbler back in December and I have been so damned irritated with this lid and I say it every time I use the money I love the mug I live in Las Vegas and it does keep my cold drinks cold not so much for my hot drinks but I really use it for my cold drinks and just sit in my car in the middle of summer with the Sun hitting it and it really did keep it cold however that lid is such a part of my Swahili here it’s a pain in… Read more »
Where did you get the leak proffered lid from?
You can get that here:
I need to contact the company my tumbler has rust on inside.. Is this normal??
Doesn’t sound normal. I never experienced rust on mine.